
Showing posts from September, 2022

International Exposure at The Modern School ECN

  International Exposure at The Modern School ECNCR The Modern School ECNCR believes in providing International exposure to the students to foster overall development. Getting students acquainted with hands-on experiences of different cultures, environments, linguistics etc. is crucial to a global understanding of the world around them. There are several different ways in which the school ensures this: International Exchange Programmes: The schools hosts an International cultural programme for the students every year. Best Modern School Delhi the students not only get to host some International students in their homes, but they also get the opportunity to visit their country. The school recently hosted an Indo-German Exchange Programme where some of the students got a chance to visit Germany for over ten days and experience the school life there. The students got an insider-view into the German culture in terms of their food, living style, customs, relationships and traditions. Inte